On the subject of Finance

Easy money »


February 12th, 2010.

Filed under 2010,Finance,Poems


Starting easily
Like the dazzle of a shell bursting
For engagement,
A moment visible
But travelling in echo.

Message ready to unleash hell,
At the brain controlling,
A sum alien.
Each sense the miracle of atom and particle
As models tremble,
Modulated but deadly,
As a switch to voices of “incoming”
How friendly
With noise intimate.

With something personal –
A cup to drink from.
That the loving person
Who likes somebody
That likes something
Is perfect.
Intoxicated, a symmetry.
Every word explosive –

The lack of reason
For what we are about to receive
Making us truly thankful.
At nil,
Our understanding.
The lights in the crate not ours,
Everything emptied.
So I began to go beyond going to the limit.
What is today my limit?
Nothing, no music.
Just remains –
The comedy finishing.
Going up the line tonight,
Looking neither left nor right
All contracts filled.
All spots extinguished
By a darkness
That folds around the word “bonus”.