On the subject of 2004

Zoo Gardens »


February 12th, 2004.

Filed under 2004,Poems



It isn’t Kew you know, though
abundant. A new plant called
Elbow/Arms crushing me on the
pavement at Wall. I kick back,
shouting for ‘some’. For it to appear
to caress; to surface quietly.


On the port is Fred-he has plenty,
a dance with a mate: rather tight
suited, overcoated,
metal in armour-ready to go
beserk in dealings on New York.
Honorary men in black, courting them.


Groping, faltering, longing-hard
at it. A collection of people lock
themselves in Sea Horses.
An escape is planned by the
jetty on Swan Lane. Chaucer visits,
a perfectly understood event.


Colours fill the gloom of Monday.
At Bank, rivalries clash
in little Europe towards Cripplegate.
Milton, unmoved,
contacts Erasmus in Paris-surprised
by the response, offering to talk.


Agents arrive to experiment. In
a confused state, we introduce Euros.
‘Do you require wine, sir?’ Our
appetite increases,
with this talk of contract, history,
‘a little something for the people’.

Agent Provocation »


February 12th, 2004.

Filed under 2004,Poems


Liar. A rusty old hulk lies
off Canvey Island:
its message, Gravesend.
This is the story of the
Ionian Bank-Miracle!
Shareholders gather, the
registrar is a spectacled
Rumblings at Bishopsgate,
hardly a thought
in the ditch:
for derivatives or
All rise at London Bridge
for peace-elbow
minorities, hire advisors,
issue a prospectus and
print it on
lavatory paper.
Smoke emerges
the columned
An ironed
the conscience:
‘we have a bank, gentlemen.’
Depositors whisper,
unable to break out
of Normandy 1944. Then
suddenly parachutists
in St Mary’s Axe,
the famous scouts,
form protest.
Mrs Gray, Islington, steps
forward as c-in-c.
Directors hide
in the pub.
‘Your savings are hardly
the point-
they’ve gone
anyway so
caveat emptor
North London.’
Let us all
the rise and rise again
of the Ionian

A Good Sacking »


February 12th, 2004.

Filed under 2004,Poems



Pray Americans come.
Booted. On. Now.
Sybil, wait: it is tea
when the biscuit broke
you like my uncle
John Ball, our
Chairman, took
calls from
Broadway to


By the walls: a horse.
And in exchange
gifts which
yield information.
Necessary. To this,
a hard something-
In bakelite red’.
To personnel-to


I shared a cab
once with Margot
Lovely legs.
I am thinking this as
the drawbridge
lifts on my good times
with Razzle and Inc.
So praise

Serious Love »


February 12th, 2004.

Filed under 2004,Poems


Sons of Israel,
we crossed seas-
placed bets, laughed at ourselves;
had a run at it.
Then drew lots, divided forces,
hunted as the fox.
David, is that a name you like?
I heard you cry out earlier over coffee:
that this chase might have a bloodless end
so in our wanderings we both be brought to safety.

Old Anglia »


February 12th, 2004.

Filed under 2004,Poems


Trouble me not, Pip: finding my body
on the platform at Bank, erect at Suez.
None has declined more since ’57. But the
spasm that runs every night over Fleet.
Play this song-the sound of poor herdsmen
that come now: enjoying their ports in Greens.
Strike a note for the old man whose hat
is paper. Read by some. In finance.
It was May; the sky was early technicolour.
I was removed by something greased, a civil
servant-learning Pythagoras after Eden.

Business Centre »


February 12th, 2004.

Filed under 2004,Poems



Business centre. The television is
  on. Somebody has a headache.
Aircraft leaflet the area,
  Margaret Thatcher is on the radio.
A bank manager addresses rotary.
  Someone sets fire to the kitchen.
Sit then perfectly still and be


John, or Nanki-Poo
  dedicated to that certainty which
disappeared with miners and
  Handel’s requiem in Old Trafalgar
at Christmas.
  Rise then Metroland although
the warmth is that
  of unkept places at Euston.


Property values rise steadily
  in the background: foreign investors
at Luton-sur-Mer.
The Greek was dejected that day
  and went the whole hog at auction
in memory of his mother, an
  illegitimate Mitford.


Blessings on the Harvest Festival.
  I shall contribute an onion.
Or sponsor the cricket team to
  advertise my undertakings on their
flannels in deo excelsis so
  something is tasteful in
suburbia. Where I Am.


Hitler and Stalin are the names
  of the dogs that roam our streets
after dark. Purchased from
  a friend, whose sister has a
brother whose sister is the
  receptionist at the business
centre in England.

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