On the subject of 2009

The Speculator »


February 12th, 2009.

Filed under 2009,Poems


Like two dogs coupling –

What’s the difference


Between Marx and Capitalism?


Both lie programmed

As if they meant it.

And amidst those stars.

That still sparkle in the gutter

How clever to call my bonus an incentive.


With the same fluency and finance,


Luminaries gather at Davos

To be made rich quietly

In their villas afterwards.


While nations slide asking for information

To bankroll their currency.


Political parties start wars

And pocket the difference.


An image gold and burnished in every household.

Bubbles, shadows, assets – they’re all a party

As central bankers hand out all the smarties.


All money corrupts but absolute money

Corrupts completely naturally.

A black box in a black hole

Of unintelligible depth and distance.

With only the analysis

Of a man with white stick as echo.


Like I said, I’ve done more for communism

Than any communist.


This pup I bred


Will cry for a generation.

A Bug In Bedlam »


February 12th, 2009.

Filed under 2009,Poems



Starting easily
for engagement to see nobody:
   a moment visible
but travelling in shadow.
Message ready.
   The brain controlling sums alien.
Hand upon receiver, something personal,
to measure the smallest tremble.
   Die hard guys laughing and giggling
as they ordered more pizza.
To the hot gates they go
as every director bid them.


As the smirk lifted
   to bundle reserves in mysterious havens –
correlated lights for many to swim to.
At times motionless,
   surface constant but horizon a mirage.
steps taken to finesse the figuring.
   To recall their narrow, rounded beauty.
"Outstanding", awesome",
   passed fit by Darwin
as darkness folds around my bonus.

Doing God’s Work »


February 12th, 2009.

Filed under 2009,Poems


From half a world away, hear this:
Hear me
               ‘Blood drink’.
My shadow a giant vampire squid.
I swim in silhouette

With tentacles that stick.

  In many fathoms do I lurk
  A rich banker doing god’s work.

Sit Perfectly Still And Be Kissed »


February 12th, 2009.

Filed under 2009,Poems


Sit perfectly still and be kissed

   By the warmth of on-line screen

     This Good News, the New Year brings.

       Bargains by the dozen,

      A crowd of mad gunmen

        Stormed a prosperous precinct.

         Turning a well-known fast food outlet

    Into a scene from ‘Blood and Ketchup’.

         A prosperous year then to all fanatics

       And everyone else in any kind of racket.

       Such as our friends in government.

       There are lots of cameras around

        With which to film us.

      It must surely make them smile

    To see all those anxious feet

  Chasing deals down Oxford Street.

My Ecco Ring, Bonus Is Come »


February 6th, 2009.

Filed under 2009,Poems


My ecco ring, bonus is come
The old needle
Stands in a moss of green
Its broken point strikes me –
Once it was much higher
My feet uncertain
I stumble past.
A disappointed feeling
It rattles silent.
My ecco ring, bonus is come.
To recall numbers counted
Their beauty
Does not smell and their humour
No mercy.
A flashing moment just waking up.
What was the grip you took ?
Paying ourselves for what goes up and up,
To eclipse the eclipse – to let it rip.