With the mental strength of Daniel
And the paws of Samson,
This double of Ben Johnson:
My watchful Boson.
In conversation rare was his rank,
Not just among dogs
But also amongst men.
In dreams, his friends included
Shakespeare, Bacon and Donne.
what we have is faster than travel:
did you call me ?
i thought for a second
of unnamed millennium
where each of us stood
a time-piece
able to control each moment
in time and memory.
did you call me ?
i thought you did.
the light between us constant
it has no date or memory
like the universe
it is an interval
neither forward nor back
but bright and still in constellation.
did you call me ?
i thought you did.
At that moment
we are utterly motionless
And as wise as Methuselah.
did you call me ?
or was this silence
so perfect it went on dividing
unseen and beyond any interval ?
into a chasm of names
not selected/random
but at the appointed time saved
to live forever
although all of us alive –
by a signal lit upon the sky:
a great blitz of seats
reserved to hold hands
falling into a minute that seemed like a century
ready to leave
although I would fail to say good-bye
and would be missed and miss-ng
a temporary monument
these temples I wrote of
now silenced as trucks crashed
into our last defence and all the eyes
could not devour in one sitting the sight
of so many;
you can still find me though I am missing
in a chasm of something.
(to) a powerⁿ that makes you feel
on a high walk
connected, really sorted.
without blemish
like i was and ever shall be original
without fault;
both intimate and numerate
to all the above then
sing of where i live
in pure autonomy.
Now naked upon the grid
like some hairy cupid:
are you able to assist ?
To assist The Magnificent,
who is invincible ?
he sits in his cups
on ground unlimited
having finished his push ups.
He takes everything by mouth:
trying to clear my head
by way of lords
on a bus to beachy head
at the precise second the ball was bowled
over wenlock edge.
either a boundary or something –
in the bowler’s hand a difference seemingly,
a dance: suddenly a grenade, a warmth replaced by panic
in my head the word titanic.
brain on deck. to pass to faraway places such as france.
his loop made me think of adlestrop,
of the blue i hadn’t won at oxford:
the driver to cover,
suddenly alive to the possible that he and i were lover
as i sharpened eye and pencil,
(on paper).
the next moment was new beginning
and very slow like June i walked as ghost to the pavilion.